Thursday, 1 February 2007

Sweden mania forces Ogle Earth into hiding..

Perhaps not quite.. but the news that Sweden is to establish an embassy in second life, is apparently causing the Ogle Earth blog author a lot of sleepless nights.

Besides the news source above, and the former BBC front page story, poor Stefan has most likely also had to cope with prying reporters from online news sites such as The Register, Omninerd, MSNBC, Spiegel and Reuters from their own Second Life presence


Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Virtual Sweden and panoramio

A few days ago Stefan Geens of the Ogle Earth blog reported on the news of the Swedish Institute entering Second Life and establishing a presence. Now the news has gone mainstream, with a link to it appearing on the BBC news front page.

It also slipped past me last week, but I'll post it now, is that Panoramio has surpassed the half million photo upload mark. Quite a feat for something that was just a small photo geotagging service a few months ago. Of course, some of my photos are on there too.


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Friday, 12 January 2007

The animals and street art + second life

First of all, I remembered that I hadn't talked about our GPS tracked animals for a little while. However there is little news. Zahara our turtle is still circling off the coast of Oman, moving gradually South, while Sedna our shearwater has moved a couple of hundred km's further South for presumably richer feeding.
sedna map courtesy of

Image courtesy of

As our winter draws to a close, it will be interesting to see the migratory paths northwards.

Next up, someone over at Tailfeathers Network posted a link to some very cool street art. Surely something like that should be at the Edinburgh Fringe? Apparently there is more material, and also another artist who does this. Wow.

I finally gave in to my curiosity and took a peek at Second Life. Bit strange, and interesting, but most of all.. what a lot of time can be wasted! Apparently my university has a Second Life Presence but I was unable to locate it. Don't know if that's because I had to complete some kind of tutorial before I was allowed into the world proper, or whether the location/region that they bought/setup has ceased to exist.

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