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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Day 2 at work..

Day two at work was not terribly different from the first. Thankfully there weren't the first day nerves (it was day 2 after all), and everyone was much less formal and more pleasant. I did arrive far too early, for I had to get the bus in today, and not trusting public transport I gave myself way to much time. The day passed without much incident; I got to do a few more orders, finish a few on my own, send out a few enquiries and getting a few issues clarified. I guess it's what I'm going to be counting as normal over the next few months, but for now it was welcome relief from the boredom of sitting there not really knowing what to do. Yes that's right, I quite enjoyed it.

I need a hobby though. I've been bored at home too. Which makes life rather dull. I guess that means I need another project...

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